Sip on This: hit Australian restaurant Mrs Sippy coming to Bali

May 23, 2016

Baliā€™s an easy target for up and coming Australian restaurant ventures with the cheap labor and construction and a large population of hungry and affluent tourists.

The latest pending arrival to the restaurant scene is Mrs Sippy, according to the Sydeny Morning Heraldā€™s Good Food. We can expect a locally adapted version of the Double Bay originalā€”Mrs Sippy Pool Club should open early 2015 and will feature a pool so people can just chill. The restaurant has secured a prime location, right behind Bali’s legendary Potato Head Beach Club. 

If the menuā€™s got the same items as the original, we want to try the san daniele prosciutto, roast tiger prawns and spicy chorizo/roast peppers/goat cheese pizza. Yum.

Other recent Aussie restaurant ventures include links with Steven Skellyā€™s Urchin restaurant, Motel Mexicola and the Double Six Hotel, says Good Food. Aight Oz, keep the good food coming our way. 

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