Ground handling officer hit by propeller at Bali’s airport
Late on Tuesday night, a ground handling officer was struck by an airplane propeller at Bali’s Ngurah Rai Airport. The officer is in critical condition and is currently at Kasih Ibu Hospital in Kedonganan, Bali, as of time of writing, Detik News is reporting.
The incident occurred when a Wings Air flight from Denpasar to Labuan Bajo was preparing for departure. Muchsinin, a ground handling officer, was loading baggage into the aircraft’s compartment. When finished loading, Muchsinin exited through the side of the fuselage and was hit badly in the back of the head by the propeller, said Shivley Sansoucci, chief of legal and communications of PT Angkasa Pura I, Ngurah Rai Airport.
Photo: Andrew Thomas/Flickr
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