Joke’s on them: Bali burglars miss millions of rupiah

May 23, 2016

A group of burglars reportedly ransacked an office in Klungkung, Bali and made off with some cameras and camcorders, but missed a much bigger score. 

Hidden a safe deposit box, tucked out of sight was Rp 123 juta in cash, a much higher value than any of the stolen goods. 

The office that was hit on Monday belongs to LPD Tangkas, a local creditor. While itā€™s unfortunate for the company that they lost some cameras, the office was relieved that the burglars didnā€™t do too thorough of a job in tearing the place apart. 

The burglars likely entered through the officeā€™s roof, said Head of LPD, Nyoman Sudarma. Apparently the ceiling was broken with pieces scattered on the floor. 

Klungkung police are conducting their investigation to find the tunnel-visioned burglars.

Source: Bali Post



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