Poo Paper: upcycling at Bali Safari & Marine Park

May 23, 2016

Yup, itā€™s exactly what it sounds like.

Bali Safari and Marine Park in addition to bringing you the opportunity to ride elephants now lets you pick up a ā€œspecialā€ type of paper from the gift shop. 

Material for the paper is taken from the poo of Bali Safariā€™s four-legged residents including zebras, elephants, giraffes and other mammals. 

This produces paper of the most excellent quality, says Yevi Ramadan, Bali Safari and Marine Parkā€™s marketing guy. And itā€™s apparently the elephants who have the best paper producing dungā€”which is based on texture and the condition of the material. 

The poo paper comes as an attempt to reduce the felling of trees at the base material of paper. Animals that eat grass, especially elephants, expel poo that is high in fiber and primed for paper-making, Ramadan says.

We know youā€™re wondering: nope, the paper doesnā€™t evens slightly smell like an elephantā€™s toilet. At least that’s what marketing is saying. The process from booty to your notebook is long and involved, including washing, drying fibers, mixing, stirring, coloring and drying it all. 

The park says most of the profits go to wildlife conservation in Indonesiaā€”a worthy cause that needs furthering. So go ahead, instead of buying a stuffed animal or Bali Safari shot glass, go for the organic sh*t next time. 

Source: Tribun Bali

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