Bali Dog Problems: most rabid-packed bites in Karangasem
Youâll find Bali dogs wherever you go throughout the island, but apparently you better be on your toes if youâre in Karangasem.
Of the 100 officially reported cases of dog-bites transmitting rabies from January to October 2014, 24 were in Karangasem, making it the most popular area for rabies-bite cases, according to Antara.
This number is up from the 75 reported rabid-dog cases that came up between January and September 2014. Thatâs a lot more rabid bites in just one month!
Local officials are working to distribute vaccines intensively into eight districts and one city in an effort to reduce that number.
The rabies virus is transmitted through bite wounds and can even cause death in humans. Limited public awareness about pet vaccinations is in large part to blame for the disturbingly increased rate in transmission of rabies, says
However, he said, the lack of public awareness about pet vaccinations interests accounted for the increase in the rate of transmission of the rabies virus, says head of Bali provinceâs Animal Health & Husbandry, Dr. IKG Nata Kesuma.
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