Bali’s making all-inclusive weddings a thing now

May 23, 2016

“All-inclusive” no longer just refers to resorts including all-you-can-eat food and drinks while you lounge away at the hotel pool and sip your margarita. The glitz and glimmer of Bali is bringing it up to the next level. 

You can now engage in all-inclusive weddings where you get the beach location and hotel staff at your service, with of course the honeymoon accommodations. 

Here’s the impressive and lengthy list of included bennies that come with booking a “Legal Wedding Package” at one all-inclusive wedding with one Nusa Dua resort

  • Wedding venue usage at Beach Club, Ballroom, Courtyard Area or Poolside
  • Romantic wedding venue decoration, inclusive of chairs setup for maximum 22 seats 
  • Flower shower and confetti
  • Brideā€™s bouquet and groomā€™s boutonniere
  • Document processing to Religious and civil office (exc. consular fee to the Embassy or Consulate)
  • Blessing by Priest or Celebrant
  • Religious certificate of marriage
  • Certificate of marriage from Civil Minister
  • Two Balinese flower girls
  • Music accompaniment by duo acoustic (guitarist and lady singer)
  • Photograph of 4 hours coverage, 20 pages wedding album, all hires/jpeg returned in DVD
  • Wedding souvenir for guests
  • Wedding guest book
  • Two tier wedding cake
  • A one night stay at Suite room with honeymoon setup inside the room
  • Three bottle s sparkling house wine for wedding toast
  • Two hours romantic couple spa treatment at C-Spa
  • Special welcome drink for guests

Over-the-top? Are two Balinese flower girls really necessary? That’s just Bali for you. But we have to say, the price tag at USD2,988 (before taxes, duh) was significantly cheaper than we would have thunk for this sort of high-rolling package. 

Anyway, it’s probably safer booking through a hotel with a concrete location you can track down rather than alleged wedding planner scammer Chivonne Betts or failed business D’Luxe.

Photo: Tanti Ruwani/Flickr


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