2 suspected murderers of Robert Ellis say the victim’s wife picked them up and delivered them to the Sanur villa before the killing

May 23, 2016

After an exciting getaway attempt earlier this week that allegedly involved machete and poison arrows, the two recently arrested men accused of participating in Robert Ellisā€™ grisly murder have shed more light on what actually went down that fateful day in the Sanur villa.

The men say they covered Ellisā€™ mouth with a towel to keep him quiet and suffocate him before pulling a knife, reports news.com.AU. Based on that report, the men were close to tears and feel remorse for their actions. 

The men, Urbanus Yohanes Ghoghi, 23, and Yohanes Sairokodu alias Yonis, 23, were reportedly arrested in Sumba island, to the east of Bali on Tuesday and flown over to Bali for interrogation today. The man wore bloodied bandages on their legs to cover alleged gunshot wounds by police from when they attempted to resist arrest. Urbanus is believed to be the one who slit Ellisā€™ throat with the knife. 

The latest update is that Yonis and Urbanus reportedly told police that Ellisā€™ wife, Julaikah Noor Aini picked up them up with her car in Sanur before bringing them to the coupleā€™s villa in the Emerald Villa complex. 

Police allege that a group of five men were gathered around Ellis to participate in his death. Further, police allege that Noor Ellis waited in a bedroom while her husband was murdered in the kitchen area. 

So far, Yonis and Urbanus are the newest additions to the group of people that have been arrested surrounding Ellisā€™ murder: one other man suspected of being in the group that killed Ellis, the wife Noor Ellis who allegedly ordered the hit for around AUD14,000 and two maids, who are accused of keeping the family dogs quiet during the murder and helping clean up the crime scene and dump the body.

Ellis was a successful and respected businessman. He is survived by two sons from his marriage with Noor and an additional son from a previous relationship

Ellis’ murder made headlines on October 21 when his body was discovered wrapped in plastic with the throat slashed, in a rice field ditch.

Source: news.com.AU


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