Hidden Surfers’ Paradise: Ombak tinggi di Sungai Kampar, Riau

May 23, 2016

Bagi yang belum tau, ombak itu gak hanya terjadi di pantai lho. Friksi antara molekul di dalam udara dengan molekul yang ada di air (saat angin menggerakkan permukaan air) bisa juga terjadi di sungai. Dan di Provinsi Riau, ada sungai yang cukup terkenal karena gelombang ombaknya bisa mencapai 6 meter.

Namanya adalah Sungai Kampar.


The Kampar River widens as it approaches the sea, and its water volume increases as it is joined by various other tributaries. During the rainy season, normally November to December, the volume of river water is greatly increased, and the river’s shallow estuary becomes even wider. Upstream the river’s cross section changes suddenly, becoming much narrower, which encourages the generation of large tidal bore /waves called Bono, caused by high tides flowing upstream meeting the river water flowing downstream. The waves can travel from the sea at speeds of up to 40 kilometres per hour (25 mph), and when sea water at full tide combines with heavy rain upstream they can reach a height of 4–6 metres (13–20 ft), accompanied by a loud roaring sound and strong winds. Bono waves can persist for four hours or more, and travel as far upstream as Tanjung Pungai, Meranti, Pelalawan Regency, 60 kilometres (37 mi) inland. Bono is not just one wave but a series of many, sometimes on the left and right river banks and at other times in the middle of the river. Surfing the Bono waves is difficult, owing to the quantity of mud in the river. The large number of ships sunk in the Kampar River’s estuary has been attributed to the Bono waves, called by locals as “Seven Ghosts”, considered to be the incarnation of the seven evil spirits. Although they still used the river as the ground for boating agility tests. The river is inhabited by crocodiles, hence the surfers are usually escorted by rescue boats for their safety. Bono wave can be seen in many location of Kampar river, such as: Tanjung Sebayang, Pulau Muda, Teluk Meranti and Tanjung Pungai, all of them in Pelalawan Regency. #ombakbono #ombakhantu #surfingonriver #sungaikampar #jalajahriau #explorenusantara #wonderfulindonesia #travelindonesia

A photo posted by CK Lee (@leehengki) on

Sungai Kampar dan tetangganya Sungai Rokan termasuk dalam obyek wisata bernama Bono. Area ini berada di Desa Teluk Meranti, Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau. Kalau di lihat dari atas, penampakannya kayak gini nih:

Itu kalau air sungainya lagi tenang. Tapi kalau lagi musim laut pasang, Sungai Kampar berubah wujud jadi kayak gini:

Kalau udah bergelombang kayak gini, pengunjung bisa surfing kapan aja!

“Uniknya peristiwa ini terjadi setiap hari baik siang atau malam. Di dunia hanya terdapat dua, Riau dan Brasil. Hal ini tentu dapat menarik minat turis menuju obyek wisata itu seperti berselancar,” kata Kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Provinsi Riau, Fahmizal Usman, seperti dikutip Kompas.

Tentunya gak cuma pengunjung lokal dong yang main ke sini. Turis asing juga udah ngerasain serunya surfing di Bono. Katanya bagus untuk latihan sebelum ke laut.

Tertarik untuk surfing di sungai? Ke Bono yuk!



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