Indonesia raih ‘Best National Costume’, Peru juara Miss Grand International 2017

October 26, 2017
Foto: Instagram Puteri Indonesia

Kalau tahun lalu Ariska Pertiwi berhasil memenangi Miss Grand International 2016, tahun ini Dea Goesti Rizkita tidak.

Yang jadi juara di ajang Miss Grand International 2017 yang diselenggarakan di Phu Quoc, Vietnam, Rabu (25/10) malam adalah Maria Jose Lora dari Peru.

Dia membuat kejutan pada publik yang nampaknya lebih mengunggulkan kontestan asal tuan rumah Vietnam, dan Indonesia.

Di urutan Runner Up 1, jatuh pada Miss Grand Venezuela Tulia Aleman Ferrer. Runner Up 2, Miss Grand Filipina Elizabeth Durado Clenci, Runner Up 3, Miss Grand Puerto Rico Brenda Azaria, danRunner Up 4, jatuh pada Miss Grand Republik Ceko Nikola Uhlirova.

Tapi it’s okay. Meski gagal jadi pemenang, gaun “Ibu Pertiwi” yang dikenakan Dea Goesti Rizkita yang juga runner-up 3 ajang Puteri Indonesia 2017 berhasil mendapat penghargaan ‘Best National Costume’.

National Costume Miss Grand Indonesia 2017 @dearizkita . . MOTHERLAND: "The Sky is my Father, and The Earth is my Mother" by Morphacio and Maya Ratih . . This costume has the meaning of a circular shape taken from the base form of the Moon (the eastern culture that close to the sea and the moon) and its about the mother figure, the queen, and the woman. Then the blue color depicts the glory of Indonesia as a Maritime Country. Panca (five blue crystals in the circle of the moon) symbolize the harmony of Indonesian people in the ideology of Pancasila, Tri (Three blue crystals on headdress) symbolize the perfection of body, soul, and spirit. Five yellow crystals depict the young generation are like buds of the nation which is the hope and successor/future of the nation. The wings on the shoulders symbolize the tenderness and strength, the prayers and the songs of the ancestors. The backbone symbolizes Indonesia is the "backbone of the World" where Indonesia holds abundant natural wealth and Indonesia is a very influential country in the world political map. The wing belt symbolizes fertility and a close brotherhood. Fingers and right arm describe the wisdom, skill and soul that protect the society. The temple symbolizes "our bodies are temples, our bodies are His temple", as well as Indonesian people from various social and cultural backgrounds to individuals seeking self-enlightenment. Five Nusantara fabrics illustrate the cultural diversity in Indonesia which contain the thoughts and philosophy that accompany the journey of the Indonesian people to be whole person, as a true person. Talking about the philosophy of 'triangle' and 'mountains', it is associated with an understanding of the 'Tree of Life'. The meeting of the sky and the sea is interpreted as the harmony of Human, Nature, and the Creator. . . . MUA by : @officialmoors by @mustikaratuind @arnold_pamungkas Photographer by : @ronnyariojoewono Art director and stylist by : @nikhonurkholis National Costume by : @morphaciobodyart and @mayaratihcouture . . . #yayasanputeriindoneia #mustikaratu #puteriindonesiaperdamaian2017 #missgrandindonesia2017 #dearizkita #dazzlingdea

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Mengalahkan 77 kontestan lainnya, Indonesia berhasil mempertahankan gelar kostum nasional terbaik.

Selamat ya semua! Ragam cerita seru dari duniamu. Terkini dan terabsurd dari seluruh penjuru planet.

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